What's wrong with cheese as a snack? Nothing. Nothing, I say! Well, except for one thing: giving cheese - or any one food type - so much airtime in my diet isn't best for me. I am missing out on so many other delicious snacks and opportunities for vitamins and nutrients. I am not looking to remove cheese from my diet. Rather, I am trying to reserve this favorite treat for moments when nothing else will do (as opposed to every time my tummy grumbles). So, over the last week I have been searching for and finding cheese-alternatives that pack a similar punch to cheese. It has been fun! I will continue to share under this idea as I discover yummy options, but here are my findings so far.

There are so many easy go-tos. Avocados with a dash of lime and hot sauce. Freshly ground peanut butter with a pinch of salt and a drizzle of honey. How about crusty bread with olive oil paste? Hmm, how about a bowl of arugula with a simple dressing of olive oil, red wine vinegar, salt and pepper? I love raw honey with a piece of dark chocolate for a sweet snack.
So, again, cheese will continue to be a part of my life. But, there are a lot of options that are so beautifully simple and, just maybe, even better for me. I will continue to explore, but please let me know if you have a favorite go-to healthy snack!
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