Friday, April 13, 2012

Asparagus Time!

This time of year is grand. The Farmers’ Markets are opening. Things are popping up the garden. And soon our harvest baskets will be put to daily use as the garden kicks into full gear. Our Saturday morning schedule will be modified to include a walk to the Farmers’ Market. It has become one of our favorite times.

This year has been especially rewarding because it is the third year of our asparagus patch. An asparagus patch is kind of like a savings account. You start it, then you wait and watch it grow. In year one we saw a few spears pop up. Then, in year two, we saw a few more. Now in year three year we are in the money –well, err, in the asparagus! We've been enjoying asparagus by the bundles. Well worth the wait!

Our asparagus and other recently harvested spring treats
(radishes and broccoli florets- nom, nom)

If you don’t have an established asparagus patch, right now you can swing by Ellwood’s to snag some local asparagus, also available now at your local Farmers’ Market. Of course, purchasing is more expensive than plucking out of your garden, but now is the best time. Asparagus is best when fresh, like super fresh. So, with asparagus season ending soon, make sure you grab some from a friend’s garden or pick some up at the market, and get cookin’!

Ellwood's Current Asapargus Source: Emporia, VA
(72 miles outside of RVA)

I like to do almost nothing to my asparagus. I like to cut into ¼ inch diagonal strips, sauté briefly in olive oil, add garlic. That’s it, yo. Sometimes I combine with pasta or spaghetti squash with black pepper, salt, and a little grated parmesan cheese. Or, another favorite is to drizzle with olive oil and broil for 5 minutes (or until lightly browned and golden). Finish with cracked pepper and kosher salt. Need a say more?

1 comment:

  1. Yuuummm! I feel like I have waited so long for this time!
