Epic Gardens sent us their CSA info for 2011. It sounds gorgeous!
The days are lengthening noticeably. The winter’s snow and cold has kept us indoors with catalogs and garden plans. We’re excited about 2011 because we are entering our second year of Community Supported Agriculture at Epic Gardens! We tried it last year and it worked for us and for our shareholders.Along with regular fare (like heirloom Tomatoes, Leafy Greens, Squashes, Beans, Peas and Sweet Corn) Epic Gardens is known forsomewhat quirky (read gourmet) items like Figs, Tomatillos and Cilantro, armloads of an extra aromatic variety of Sweet Basil, Molukhia (Jute, a green leafy staple of middle eastern cuisine), gourmet sweet melons, Jimmy Nardello and Black Pearl Peppers, Edible Bouquets, Organic Sweet Potatoes, and, of course, Edamame, the green vegetable soybean.Purchase a working share or a regular share.Choose to include eggs or not.Pick up at the Farmers Market @ St. Stephens!Email EpicGardens@gmail.com to receive a brochure.Thank you for considering Epic Gardens for your CSA this year.
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