Sunday, January 31, 2010

New Richmond Area Food System Website

The Richmond Area Food System Council (RAFS ) has a new website. The RFC has had the privilege of being a member of the RAFS Council and are featured on their new website's front page. If you have an interest in learning more about our local food system or feel that you have something to offer for it's improvement check out the new website. You can sign up to join the website and then can post about upcoming relevant events, market news and more. Many of Richmond's most dedicated and active supports of a healthy local food system are members of RAFS. You can check in and keep up with what their up to at this new site. The RAFS information page says this "site is devoted to building a community of individuals and groups that are willing to share their ideas and resources toward the greater cause of making the region's food system more sustainable....If you are willing to share what you know and/ or share your talents you are welcome here. If you're a consumer looking for local are welcome here. If you are a food producer, restaurant owner, food distributor, or food waste recycler looking for a place to buy, sell, or trade your wares or are welcome here. If you are a local food advocate or non-profit looking to make things better for all by giving your time, talent, or financial are welcome here. If you simply have a question or an answer to are welcome here."
To visit the site click here.

1 comment:

  1. Many of Richmond's most dedicated and active supports of a healthy local food system are members of RAFS. You can check in and keep up with what their up to at this new
