Pre- Irene, I was got a half bushel of peaches from Agriberry. I have a peach obsession, as
you well know. Plus, I wanted to be ready for the Yes we CAN! event in November (hope you are coming!) and that box of peaches held a lot of possibilities.
I did make peach butter (some with bourbon!) for the event, and had loads of fruit left over for freezing, and eating for breakfast all week. Then, last Saturday afternoon, Anne and I got a hankering for peach margaritas. Yes, indeedy.
Fresh Peach MargaritaPer serving, blend:
2 cubes of ice
1 peach
until smooth (ish)
juice of 1.5 small limes
.5 oz peach shnapps
.25 oz of triple sec
1 oz silver tequila
Um, can we make these This weekend? Seriously...