Oh, yes- I do love the fair. And the food at the fair is from another world entirely. Turkey legs bigger than your bicep, funnel cakes, lots of food to eat from a stick.

I came for the fried dough- I am not gonna lie- and was totally amazed at the crazy innovations in festival food. Fried oreos were everywhere. Fried green beans and frog legs. I even heard there was fried butter (seems unnecessary) and fried Kool- aid. How, pray tell, do you fry Kool- aid? The food surprises kept coming...

Yes, that sign says donut burger. Someone was listening when Paula Deen was talking! Had I seen anyone eating one of these, I would have found out more. The very idea blew my mind.
I had a similar thought when I saw this sign:

Say it with me- pork parfait. As seen in the Food Network Magazine. Lord have mercy! Did y'all eat at the fair? Was there anything amazing that I missed?
Love your post... and the pics! So Sorry I missed out!!! Some times you just gotta throw caution to the wind and dig in.